Advances in carbon capture, utilization, and storage

Published 08 June, 2024

Background and objectives:

Ensuring stable national energy supply and promoting carbon reduction are important to achieving “Double Carbon” goals. Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), as the main carbon reduction technology in high-emission industries such as coal-fired power generation, petrochemicals, and steel smelting, can promote a large-scale low-carbon utilization of fossil energy, ensure national energy security and transformation, as well as become an important means for countries to promote carbon reduction while maintaining stable fossil energy consumption.

Nonetheless, large-scale deployment of CCUS will require concerted actions by governments, investors and industrial players. To achieve technical and economic success, together with environmental sustainability, several aspects must be considered for CCUS projects. The successful and economic geological utilization of CO2 needs scientific and technological innovations. Additionally, as a critical component of CCUS, the geological storage of CO2 substantial theoretical and technological research is needed to reveal the main processes involved and the overall feasibility of storing large volumes of the CO2 in the deep subsurface. Further, a lack of confidence in geologic CO2 storage security remains a barrier to effective CCS implementation, with no reliable quantitative predictions available beyond individual site scales and across the global CO2 storage industry.

This Special Issue focuses on, but is not limited to, the following contents:

  • Theoretical and technological innovations of CO2geological utilization;
  • Progress in theoretical and technological research of CO2geological storage;
  • Environmental risk monitoring and assessment of CCUS projects;
  • Economic evaluation of CCUS projects.

We invite outstanding contributions to technical developments, case studies, analyses, reviews and assessments in the context of CCUS.


  1. Submission: September 30, 2024
  2. Peer review, revision and final acceptance: January 31, 2025
  3. Finalization and submission of Editorial/Preface: March 31, 2025

Submission instructions:

Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select Special Issue: CARBON on submission.

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