Special issue: The 2022 emerging investigator special collection
Published 17 August, 2022
Emerging Contaminants is launching a special collection to showcase some of the excellent research in the field conducted by outstanding early career researchers. To be eligible, these emerging investigators must have been awarded their PhD within the past 10 years. While our Editorial and Advisory Board Members will invite the majority of contributions, we also welcome direct submissions from authors.
Topics covered:
Research work that addresses the problems associated with environmental contamination caused by emerging contaminants and their solutions. This includes:
- Science that facilitates greater understanding of the nature, extent and impacts of the presence of emerging contaminants in the environment.
- Technology that exploits original principles to reduce and control their environmental presence.
- The development, implementation and efficacy of national and international policies to protect human health and the environment from emerging contaminants.
Important deadlines:
- Submission deadline: 31 December 2022
Submission instructions:
Please read the Guide for Authors before submitting. All articles should be submitted online; please select Emerging investigator on submission.
Guest editor:

Professor Guorui Liu
Guest editor
Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. Email: grliu@rcees.ac.cn