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Open access

ISSN: 1674-4519
CN: 11-5695/P
e-ISSN: 1867-8777

High-precision relocation of the aftershock sequence of the January 8, 2022, MS6.9 Menyuan earthquake

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Rupture process and aftershock focal mechanisms of the 2022 M6.8 Luding earthquake in Sichuan

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Special focus/Rapid Communication Moment magnitudes of two large Turkish earthquakes on February 6, 2023 from long-period coda

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A high-resolution seismic catalog for the 2021 MS6.4/MW6.1 Yangbi earthquake sequence, Yunnan, China: Application of AI picker and matched filter

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Comparison of the earthquake detection abilities of PhaseNet and EQTransformer with the Yangbi and Maduo earthquakes

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DiTing: A large-scale Chinese seismic benchmark dataset for artificial intelligence in seismology

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High-resolution seismicity imaging and early aftershock migration of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş (SE Türkiye) MW7.9 & 7.8 earthquake doublet

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Pulse-like ground motion observed during the 6 February 2023 MW7.8 Pazarcık Earthquake (Kahramanmaraş, SE Türkiye)

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Crust and upper mantle structure of East Asia from ambient noise and earthquake surface wave tomography

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USTC-Pickers: a Unified Set of seismic phase pickers Transfer learned for China

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Crustal structure beneath the hi-climb seismic array in the central-western tibetan plateau from the improved h-κ-c method

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Recent advances in earthquake monitoring i: Ongoing revolution of seismic instrumentation

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Shallow destructive earthquakes

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Recent advances in earthquake monitoring II: Emergence of next-generation intelligent systems

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High resolution tomography of the tanlu fault zone near hefei with passive seismic and magnetotelluric linear array data

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Crustal structure in the binchuan basin of yunnan constrained from receiver functions on a 2-d seismic dense array<sup>*</sup>

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Rapid source inversions of the 2023 SE Türkiye earthquakes with teleseismic and strong-motion data

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Three-dimensional velocity structure around the focal area of the 2021 MS6.4 Yangbi earthquake

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Preliminary seismic anisotropy in the upper crust of the south segment of Xiaojiang faults and its tectonic implications

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A comparative study of seismic tomography models of the Chinese continental lithosphere

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Seismic activities before and after the impoundment of the Xiangjiaba and Xiluodu reservoirs in the lower Jinsha River

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A deep-learning-based approach for seismic surface-wave dispersion inversion (SfNet) with application to the Chinese mainland

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Crustal thickness beneath the tanlu fault zone and its tectonic significance based on two-layer h-κ stacking

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Coseismic deformation of the 2021 MW7.4 Maduo earthquake from joint inversion of InSAR, GPS, and teleseismic data

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