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ISSN: 2949-9305

Artificial intelligence technology in rock mechanics and rock engineering

The scope and scale of rock engineering activities have witnessed continuous expansion, which makes the geological conditions of rock engineering increasingly complex, and there are more and more types...

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Rockburst risk control and mitigation in deep mining

It is important to understand and manage rockburst challenges in deep mining operations. This paper presents a systematic study of rockburst risk in underground mining, offering a detailed examination...

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Advances in peridynamics modeling of deformation and fracturing of brittle geomaterials

Peridynamics (PD) is an emerging method that establishes a theoretical framework based on non-local theory to describe material mechanical behavior with spatial integral equations. It gives a unified...

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Advances in stability analysis and optimization design of large underground caverns under high geostress condition

The demand for underground space and sustainable energy has driven the need for underground structures. Large underground caverns, being an underground structure carrier, offers a feasible solution....

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Role of feature importance in geomechanical classification of rock slopes

Rock slope along motorways in the Higher Himalayan terrains are prone to various types of failure. In order to effectively mitigate these failures, a thorough assessment of rock mass behavior is entailed....

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Advances in dynamic test of deep rocks considering in-situ mechanical and hydraulic conditions

Determining the dynamic behaviors of deep rocks is important but challenging for deep underground rock engineering. Recently, great advances have been made by researchers in dynamic tests of deep rocks...

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Rock engineering evaluation of existing and planned Salang Tunnels with high overburden through Hindukush Mountains, Afghanistan

The Kabul – Mazar Highway connects Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, to northern provinces of the country, and further extends into Central Asian countries through the Hindukush mountains. The Salang...

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Crustal structure and shallow-focus seismic activities in the Sumatra subduction zone: Constrains from receiver function inversion

The Sumatra subduction zone is located in the southwest of the Suna plate, between the Euro-Asia Plate and Indo-Austrilian Plates. With the obliquely subducting of the Indo-Austrilian Plate toward the...

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A microscopic approach to brittle creep and time-dependent fracturing of rocks based on stress corrosion model

A brittle creep and time-dependent fracturing process model of rock is established by incorporating the stress corrosion model into discrete element method to analyze the creep behavior and microcrack...

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Notch formation in vertical excavations in a deep hard rock mine and rock stabilization methodologies

This paper presents details of the early to mid-stage deterioration in the form of notch growth of two 3 m diameter bored raises that were excavated and slashed to 7.8 m to serve as an internal shaft...

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Study on the time delay failure characteristics of sandstone unloading under dynamic disturbance

The rockburst caused by underground engineering excavation exhibits a significant lag effect. Studies have shown that the occurrence of lag-type rockburst is closely related to the delayed failure of...

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Metaheuristic multi-objective optimization-based microseismic source location approach with anisotropic P-wave velocity field

Rockburst is a common dynamic geological hazard, frequently occurring in underground engineering (e.g., TBM tunnelling and deep mining). In order to achieve rockburst monitoring and warning, the microseismic...

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A novel DFN-DEM approach to simulate long-term behavior of crystalline rock under effects of glacial climate conditions

The safety assessment of nuclear waste repositories is a critical yet challenging task. Several processes acting on different time scales and multiphysical couplings must be taken into account. The...

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Practice and validation of inversion of seismic source localisation based on genetic algorithm

As the mining depth of coal resources increases, resulting in frequent mine earthquakes during mining. In this study, the rolling window ratio method is firstly chosen as the seismic phase recognition...

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Metaheuristic algorithms for groundwater model parameter inversion: Advances and prospects

Groundwater inverse modeling is a vital technique for estimating unmeasurable model parameters and enhancing numerical simulation accuracy. This paper comprehensively reviews the current advances and...

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Location method of ill-conditioned microseismic source and its engineering application

Microseismic event location is one of the core parameters in microseismic monitoring, and the accuracy of localization will directly affect the effectiveness of engineering applications. However, limited...

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A three-dimensional numerical study on the stability of layered rock spillway tunnels in alpine canyon areas

Rock masses in alpine canyon areas exhibit strong heterogeneity, discontinuity, and are subject to strong tectonic effects and stress unloading, leading to extremely complex distribution of in-situ...

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Partly clumped-particles for elastic mismatch of minerals and joint planes for schist: A numerical simulation of DanBa quartz mica schist

A partly clumped-particles combined with joint planes model was developed to simulate the microstructure of quartz mica schist. It considers grain-scale heterogeneity including microgeometry heterogeneity...

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An improved method to calculate the rock brittleness index PEECR based on linear energy storage law

The peak elastic strain energy consumption ratio (PEECR) is a rock brittleness index proposed by Gong and Wang. In the present study, based on the linear energy storage law of rock under triaxial compression,...

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Numerical analysis of thermo-hydromechanical process related to deep geological radioactive repository

This paper addresses numerical analysis of thermo-hydromechanical processes in the context of deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. The emphasis is put on modeling of damaged zones induced...

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Field observations and interpretation of extensional fracture in hard rock surrounding deep underground openings

Extensional fracturing often occurs in hard rock masses during excavation at depths, for example, >1000 m below the ground surface. Surface-parallel fractures are created in the surrounding rock mass,...

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Development of the rolling extrusion rock bolt with constant resistance and large deformation

With the increasing excavation depth of underground engineering, engineering problems such as large deformation and rock burst caused by high geo-stress brings new challenges to the excavation and reinforcement...

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