Artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning in advanced robotics, a review
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 54-70
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Substantial capabilities of robotics in enhancing industry 4.0 implementation
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 58-75
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Digital Twin applications toward Industry 4.0: A Review
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 71-92
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Review of the emotional feature extraction and classification using EEG signals
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 29-40
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Visual information processing for deep-sea visual monitoring system
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 3-11
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Generative artificial intelligence in the metaverse era
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 208-217
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Unmanned aerial vehicles: A review
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 8-22
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Optimization of energy consumption in industrial robots, a review
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 142-157
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A survey on robots controlled by motor imagery brain-computer interfaces
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 12-24
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Significant applications of Cobots in the field of manufacturing
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 222-233
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Research on plant disease identification based on CNN
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 155-163
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Survey of emotion recognition methods using EEG information
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 132-146
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Eye fatigue estimation using blink detection based on Eye Aspect Ratio Mapping(EARM)
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 50-59
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Unbundling the significance of cognitive robots and drones deployed to tackle COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review to unpack emerging opportunities to improve healthcare in sub-Saharan Africa
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 205-213
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A review of electroencephalogram signal processing methods for brain-controlled robots
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 111-124
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Reinforcement learning for swarm robotics: An overview of applications, algorithms and simulators
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 226-256
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Medical named entity recognition based on dilated convolutional neural network
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 13-20
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A survey of quantum computing hybrid applications with brain-computer interface
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 164-176
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Overview of robotic grasp detection from 2D to 3D
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 73-82
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A pneumatic conveyor robot for color detection and sorting
Volume 2, Issue , January 2022, Pages 60-72
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Recent trending on learning based video compression: A survey
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 145-158
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A Survey Of zero shot detection: Methods and applications
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 159-167
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Control-theory based security control of cyber-physical power system under multiple cyber-attacks within unified model framework
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 41-57
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Deep learning method for makeup style transfer: A survey
Volume 1, Issue , January 2021, Pages 182-187
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Review on lane detection and related methods
Volume 3, Issue , January 2023, Pages 135-141
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