Guide for Authors
Aims and scope
Peer review
KeAi Guide for authors: Open Access
Article Publishing Charge (APC)
Ethics and policies
Ethics in publishing
Submission declaration
Changes to authorship
Declaration of interests
Funding sources
Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing
Preprint sharing
Image manipulation
Writing and formatting
File format
Title page
Structured abstract
Units, classifications codes and nomenclature
Math formulae
Figures, images and artwork
Generative AI and Figures, images and artwork
Supplementary material
Research data
Data statement
Data linking
Mendeley data
Article structure
Journal specific information
Submitting your manuscript
Submission checklist
Submit online
After receiving a final decision
Permission for copyrighted works
Proof correction
DOI link
Responsible sharing
Post-publication amendments
Journal specific information
Resources for authors
Elsevier Researcher Academy
Language and editing services
Getting help and support
Author support
Journal contacts
About the journal
Aims and scope
China Geology is co-sponsored by the China Geological Survey (CGS) and the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS). The journal is published quarterly by China Geology Editorial Office.
China Geology aims to be an innovative, high-impact and authoritative academic journal for researchers across the geoscience community. It primarily publishes new research results in multidisciplinary geosciences, together with traditional topics in geology. The journal seeks to promote research from all aspects of geoscience, including basic, applied and engineering research and applications, such as mineralogy, igneous and metamorphic petrology, geochemistry; sedimentology, paleontology, historical geology; petroleum geology and petroleum engineering, tectonic-orogenic geology (such as the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Tethys-Himalayan tectonic domain, etc.), marine geology, geophysics, economic and applied geology (ore deposit research and exploration), remote sensing geology, engineering geology, oceanography, environmental geology and human health, urban geology, groundwater science and engineering, soil microorganism, soil heavy metal pollution, global climate change and carbon neutrality.
China Geology welcomes a range of submissions, from Original and Review Articles to Editorials, Short Communications (Research Advances), News and Highlights. These papers should be of both exceptional quality and interest in the geosciences field. Review Articles are specially invited and authored by leading experts to bring the latest research to the wider community. Careful consideration is taken into account for form and content, with an emphasis on international focus. All papers are subject to international peer review.
Peer review
This journal follows a single anonymized review process. Your submission will initially be assessed by our editors to determine suitability for publication in this journal. If your submission is deemed suitable, it will typically be sent to a minimum of two reviewers for an independent expert assessment of the scientific quality. The decision as to whether your article is accepted or rejected will be taken by our editors. This decision is final.
Our editors are not involved in making decisions about papers which:
they have written themselves.
have been written by family members or colleagues.
relate to products or services in which they have an interest.
Any such submissions will be subject to the journal's usual procedures and peer review will be handled independently of the editor involved and their research group.
All manuscripts are reviewed by the editorial office. Any papers which fail to meet the basic standards of the journal will be desk-rejected for reasons like out of scope, ethical conflicts, high similarities, lack of originality, flaws in research design or methods, etc. The editorial office will reassign selected papers to the Editor-in-chief.
The Editor-in-chief will invite multiple reviewers to review the paper or assign an editorial board member to invite reviewers to review this paper.
After at least two reviewers give their reviews and comments, the Editor-in-chief (or the assigned Editor) provides feedback to the authors, based on reviewer comments and his own review comments.
When the author submits the revised manuscript, the assigned editor and Editor-in-chief will collaborate to make a final decision.
For submissions from the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Guest Editor(s), other journal Board members, and authors who have conflicts of interest with them, we ensure that the paper is handled confidentially by a different team member.
For submissions to Special Issues; if there are conflicts of interest between the Guest Editor(s) and authors, the submissions will be handled by another Editor from the Editorial Board who will manage the peer review process and make the decision whether to accept or reject the paper after peer review.
Read more about peer review.
KeAi Guide for authors: Open Access
This is an open access journal: all articles will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. To provide open access, this journal has an open access fee (also known as an article publishing charge APC) which needs to be paid by the authors or on their behalf e.g. by their research funder or institution.
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND)
Allows users to: distribute and copy the article; and include in a collective work (such as an anthology). These uses are permitted only for non-commercial purposes, and provided the user: gives appropriate credit to the author(s) (with a link to the formal publication through the relevant DOI); provides a link to the license; and does not alter or modify the article.
If you need to comply with your funding body policy you can apply for a CC BY license after your manuscript is accepted for publication.
Article Publishing Charge (APC)
As an open access journal with no subscription charges, a fee (Article Publishing Charge, APC) is payable by the authors, or their institution or funders, to cover the costs associated with publication. This ensures your article will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone.
Ethics and policies
Ethics in publishing
Authors must follow ethical guidelines stated in Elsevier's Publishing Ethics Policy.
Submission declaration
When authors submit an article to a journal it is implied that:
the work described has not been published previously except in the form of a preprint, an abstract, a published lecture or academic thesis. See our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication.
the article is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
the article’s publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out.
if accepted, the article will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, including electronically without the written consent of the copyright-holder.
Submissions to KeAi journals are automatically screened using iThenticate's CrossCheck within the editorial system to detect plagiarism issues including instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. Details can be found here. High similarity papers will be desk rejected.
ORCiD ID: Our journal supports the use of ORCiD ID. Authors are encouraged to provide ORCiD ID at submission.
All authors should have made substantial contributions to all of the following:
The conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data.
Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.
Final approval of the version to be submitted.
Authors should appoint a corresponding author to communicate with the journal during the editorial process. All authors should agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work to ensure that the questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Changes to authorship
The editors of this journal generally will not consider changes to authorship once a manuscript has been submitted. It is important that authors carefully consider the authorship list and order of authors and provide a definitive author list at original submission.
The policy of this journal around authorship changes:
All authors must be listed in the manuscript and their details entered into the submission system.
Any addition, deletion or rearrangement of author names in the authorship list should only be made prior to acceptance, and only if approved by the journal editor.
Requests to change authorship should be made by the corresponding author, who must provide the reason for the request to the journal editor with written confirmation from all authors, including any authors being added or removed, that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement.
All requests to change authorship must be submitted using this form. Requests which do not comply with the instructions outlined in the form will not be considered.
Only in exceptional circumstances will the journal editor consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors post acceptance.
Publication of the manuscript may be paused while a change in authorship request is being considered.
Any authorship change requests approved by the journal editor will result in a corrigendum if the manuscript has already been published.
Any unauthorised authorship changes may result in the rejection of the article, or retraction, if the article has already been published.
Declaration of interests
All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. Examples of potential competing interests include:
Stock ownership
Paid expert testimony
Patent applications or registrations
Grants or any other funding
The Declaration of Interests tool is encouraged to be completed.
Authors with no competing interests to declare should select the option, “I have nothing to declare”.
The resulting Word document containing your declaration should be uploaded at the “attach/upload files” step in the submission process. It is important that the Word document is saved in the .doc/.docx file format. Author signatures are not required.
We advise you to read our policy on conflict of interest statements, funding source declarations, author agreements/declarations and permission notes.
Funding sources
Authors must disclose any funding sources who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. The role of sponsors, if any, should be declared in relation to the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report and decision to submit the article for publication. If funding sources had no such involvement this should be stated in your submission.
List funding sources in this standard way to facilitate compliance to funder's requirements:
Funding: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA [grant number zzzz]; and the United States Institutes of Peace [grant number aaaa].
It is not necessary to include detailed descriptions on the program or type of grants, scholarships and awards. When funding is from a block grant or other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution, submit the name of the institute or organization that provided the funding.
If no funding has been provided for the research, it is recommended to include the following sentence:
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Declaration of generative AI in scientific writing
Authors are encouraged to declare the use of generative AI in scientific writing upon submission of the paper. The following guidance refers only to the writing process, and not to the use of AI tools to analyse and draw insights from data as part of the research process:
Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies should only be used in the writing process to improve the readability and language of the manuscript.
The technology must be applied with human oversight and control and authors should carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete or biased. Authors are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work.
Authors must not list or cite AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author on the manuscript since authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans.
The use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in scientific writing can be declared by adding a statement at the end of the manuscript when the paper is first submitted. The statement will appear in the published work and should be placed in a new section before the references list. An example:
Title of new section: Declaration of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process.
Statement: During the preparation of this work the author(s) used [NAME TOOL / SERVICE] in order to [REASON]. After using this tool/service, the author(s) reviewed and edited the content as needed and take(s) full responsibility for the content of the published article.
The declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools, such as tools used to check grammar, spelling and references. If you have nothing to disclose, you do not need to add a statement.
We advise you to read our policy for authors on the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies for Elsevier.
Please note: to protect authors’ rights and the confidentiality of their research, this journal does not currently allow the use of Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies such as ChatGPT or similar services by reviewers or editors in the peer review and manuscript evaluation process. We are actively evaluating compliant AI tools and may revise this policy in the future.
Preprint sharing
Authors may share preprints in line with Elsevier's article sharing policy. Sharing preprints, such as on a preprint server, will not count as prior publication.
We advise you to read our policy on multiple, redundant or concurrent publication.
Image manipulation
We accept that authors sometimes need to adjust images for clarity but any manipulation of images for the purpose of deception or fraud will be seen as scientific ethical abuse and will be dealt with accordingly.
Authors must adhere to this journal’s policy for graphical images:
No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed or introduced.
Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if, and only as long as, they do not obscure or eliminate any information present in the original image.
Nonlinear adjustments such as changes to gamma settings must be disclosed in the figure legend.
We do not permit the use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools to create or alter images in submitted manuscripts. Please read our policy on the use of generative AI and AI-assisted tools in figures, images and artwork, which can be found in Elsevier’s GenAI Policies for Journals.
To verify compliance with the above, this journal may send your images to a third-party service who screen for image irregularities. Our editors may ask you to provide original data or images if any questions arise as a result of the screening. The final decision as to whether images are acceptable will be taken by our editors.
Authors are encouraged to carefully check all images before submission and to connect all the data in any figures to the original, unprocessed data.
Writing and formatting
File format
We ask you to provide editable source files for your entire submission (including figures, tables and text graphics). Some guidelines:
Save files in an editable format, using the extension .doc/.docx for Word files and .tex for LaTeX files. A PDF is not an acceptable source file.
Lay out text in a single-column format.
Remove any strikethrough and underlined text from your manuscript, unless it has scientific significance related to your article.
Use spell-check and grammar-check functions to avoid errors.
We advise you to read our Step-by-step guide to publishing with Elsevier.
Title page
You are required to include the following details in the title page information:
Article title. Article titles should be concise and informative. Please avoid abbreviations and formulae, where possible, unless they are established and widely understood, e.g., DNA).
Author names. Provide the given name(s) and family name(s) of each author. The order of authors should match the order in the submission system. Carefully check that all names are accurately spelled. If needed, you can add your name between parentheses in your own script after the English transliteration.
Affiliations. Add affiliation addresses, referring to where the work was carried out, below the author names. Indicate affiliations using a lower-case superscript letter immediately after the author's name and in front of the corresponding address. Ensure that you provide the full postal address of each affiliation, including the country name and, if available, the email address of each author.
Corresponding author. Clearly indicate who will handle correspondence for your article at all stages of the refereeing and publication process and also post-publication. This responsibility includes answering any future queries about your results, data, methodology and materials. It is important that the email address and contact details of your corresponding author are kept up to date during the submission and publication process.
Present/permanent address. If an author has moved since the work described in your article was carried out, or the author was visiting during that time, a "present address" (or "permanent address") can be indicated by a footnote to the author's name. The address where the author carried out the work must be retained as their main affiliation address. Use superscript Arabic numerals for such footnotes.
You are required to provide a concise and factual abstract which does not exceed 250 words. The abstract should briefly state the purpose of your research, principal results and major conclusions. Some guidelines:
Abstracts must be able to stand alone as abstracts are often presented separately from the article.
Avoid references. If any are essential to include, ensure that you cite the author(s) and year(s).
Avoid non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. If any are essential to include, ensure they are defined within your abstract at first mention.
Structured abstract
A structured abstract, by means of appropriate headings, should provide the context or background for your research. Some guidelines:
State the purpose of your research.
Outline basic procedures followed such as the selection of study subjects or laboratory animals and observational and analytical methods.
Include your main findings, providing specific effect sizes and their statistical significance, if possible, and your principal conclusions.
Emphasize new and important aspects of your study or observations.
You are required to provide 1 to 8 keywords for indexing purposes. Keywords should be written in English. Please try to avoid keywords consisting of multiple words (using "and" or "of").
We recommend that you only use abbreviations in keywords if they are firmly established in the field.
You are encouraged to provide article highlights at submission.
Highlights are a short collection of bullet points that should capture the novel results of your research as well as any new methods used during your study. Highlights will help increase the discoverability of your article via search engines. Some guidelines:
Submit highlights as a separate editable file in the online submission system with the word "highlights" included in the file name.
Highlights should consist of 3 to 5 bullet points, each a maximum of 85 characters, including spaces.
We encourage you to view example article highlights and read about the benefits of their inclusion.
Units, classifications codes and nomenclature
This journal requires you to use the international system of units (SI) which follows internationally accepted rules and conventions. If other units are mentioned within your article, you should provide the equivalent unit in SI.
Please consult IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry for further information.
Math formulae
Submit math equations as editable text, not as images.
Present simple formulae in line with normal text, where possible.
Use the solidus (/) instead of a horizontal line for small fractional terms such as X/Y.
Present variables in italics.
Denote powers of e by exp.
Display equations separately from your text, numbering them consecutively in the order they are referred to within your text.
Tables must be submitted as editable text, not as images. Some guidelines:
Place tables next to the relevant text or on a separate page(s) at the end of your article.
Cite all tables in the manuscript text.
Number tables consecutively according to their appearance in the text.
Please provide captions along with the tables.
Place any table notes below the table body.
Avoid vertical rules and shading within table cells.
We recommend that you use tables sparingly, ensuring that any data presented in tables is not duplicating results described elsewhere in the article.
Figures, images and artwork
Figures, images, artwork, diagrams and other graphical media must be supplied as separate files along with the manuscript. We recommend that you read our detailed artwork and media instructions. Some excerpts:
When submitting artwork:
Cite all images in the manuscript text.
Number images according to the sequence they appear within your article.
Submit each image as a separate file using a logical naming convention for your files (for example, Figure_1, Figure_2 etc).
Please provide captions for all figures, images, and artwork.
Text graphics may be embedded in the text at the appropriate position. If you are working with LaTeX, text graphics may also be embedded in the file.
Artwork formats
When your artwork is finalized, "save as" or convert your electronic artwork to the formats listed below taking into account the given resolution requirements for line drawings, halftones, and line/halftone combinations:
Vector drawings: Save as EPS or PDF files embedding the font or saving the text as "graphics."
Color or grayscale photographs (halftones): Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 300 dpi (for single column: min. 1063 pixels, full page width: 2244 pixels).
Bitmapped line drawings: Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 1000 dpi (for single column: min. 3543 pixels, full page width: 7480 pixels).
Combinations bitmapped line/halftones (color or grayscale): Save as TIFF, JPG or PNG files using a minimum of 500 dpi (for single column: min. 1772 pixels, full page width: 3740 pixels).
Please do not submit:
files that are too low in resolution (for example, files optimized for screen use such as GIF, BMP, PICT or WPG files).
disproportionally large images compared to font size, as text may become unreadable.
Figure captions
All images must have a caption. A caption should consist of a brief title (not displayed on the figure itself) and a description of the image. We advise you to keep the amount of text in any image to a minimum, though any symbols and abbreviations used should be explained.
Provide captions in a separate file.
Color artwork
If you submit usable color figures with your accepted article, we will ensure that they appear in color online.
Please ensure that color images are accessible to all, including those with impaired color vision. Learn more about color and web accessibility.
For articles appearing in print, you will be sent information on costs to reproduce color in the printed version, after your accepted article has been sent to production. At this stage, please indicate if your preference is to have color only in the online version of your article or also in the printed version.
Generative AI and Figures, images and artwork
Please read our policy on the use of generative AI and AI-assisted tools in figures, images and artwork, which can be found in Elsevier’s GenAI Policies for Journals. This policy states:
We do not permit the use of Generative AI or AI-assisted tools to create or alter images in submitted manuscripts.
The only exception is if the use of AI or AI-assisted tools is part of the research design or methods (for example, in the field of biomedical imaging). If this is the case, such use must be described in a reproducible manner in the methods section, including the name of the model or tool, version and extension numbers, and manufacturer.
The use of generative AI or AI-assisted tools in the production of artwork such as for graphical abstracts is not permitted. The use of generative AI in the production of cover art may in some cases be allowed, if the author obtains prior permission from the journal editor and publisher, can demonstrate that all necessary rights have been cleared for the use of the relevant material, and ensures that there is correct content attribution.
Supplementary material
We encourage the use of supplementary materials such as applications, images and sound clips to enhance research. Some guidelines:
Supplementary material should be accurate and relevant to the research.
Cite all supplementary files in the manuscript text.
Submit supplementary materials at the same time as your article. Be aware that all supplementary materials provided will appear online in the exact same file type as received. These files will not be formatted or typeset by the production team.
Include a concise, descriptive caption for each supplementary file describing its content.
Provide updated files if at any stage of the publication process you wish to make changes to submitted supplementary materials.
Do not make annotations or corrections to a previous version of a supplementary file.
Switch off the option to track changes in Microsoft Office files. If tracked changes are left on, they will appear in your published version.
This journal accepts video material and animation sequences to support and enhance your scientific research. We encourage you to include links to video or animation files within articles. Some guidelines:
When including video or animation file links within your article, refer to the video or animation content by adding a note in your text where the file should be placed.
Clearly label files ensuring the given file name is directly related to the file content.
Provide files in one of our recommended file formats. Files should be within our preferred maximum file size of 150 MB per file, 1 GB in total.
Provide "stills" for each of your files. These will be used as standard icons to personalize the link to your video data. You can choose any frame from your video or animation or make a separate image.
Provide text (for both the electronic and the print version) to be placed in the portions of your article that refer to the video content. This is essential text, as video and animation files cannot be embedded in the print version of the journal.
We publish all video and animation files supplied in the electronic version of your article.
For more detailed instructions, we recommend that you read our guidelines on submitting video content to be included in the body of an article.
Research data
We are committed to supporting the storage of, access to and discovery of research data, and our research data policy sets out the principles guiding how we work with the research community to support a more efficient and transparent research process.
Research data refers to the results of observations or experimentation that validate research findings, which may also include software, code, models, algorithms, protocols, methods and other useful materials related to the project.
Please read our guidelines on sharing research data for more information on depositing, sharing and using research data and other relevant research materials.
For this journal, the following instructions from our research data guidelines apply.
Option A: Research data deposit and citation
You are encouraged to:
Deposit your research data in a relevant data repository.
Cite this dataset in your article.
Data statement
To foster transparency, you are encouraged to state the availability of any data at submission.
Ensuring data is available may be a requirement of your funding body or institution. If your data is unavailable to access or unsuitable to post, you can state the reason why (e.g., your research data includes sensitive or confidential information such as patient data) during the submission process. This statement will appear with your published article on ScienceDirect.
Read more about the importance and benefits of providing a data statement.
Data linking
Linking to the data underlying your work increases your exposure and may lead to new collaborations. It also provides readers with a better understanding of the described research.
If your research data has been made available in a data repository there are a number of ways your article can be linked directly to the dataset:
Provide a link to your dataset when prompted during the online submission process.
For some data repositories, a repository banner will automatically appear next to your published article on ScienceDirect.
You can also link relevant data or entities within the text of your article through the use of identifiers. Use the following format: Database: 12345 (e.g. TAIR: AT1G01020; CCDC: 734053; PDB: 1XFN).
Learn more about linking research data and research articles in ScienceDirect.
Mendeley data
This journal supports Mendeley Data, enabling you to deposit any research data (including raw and processed data, video, code, software, algorithms, protocols and methods) associated with your manuscript in a free-to-use, open access repository.
Before or during the submission process, you can deposit the relevant datasets to Mendeley Data. Please include the DOI of the deposited dataset(s) in your main manuscript file.
The datasets will be listed and directly accessible to readers next to your published article online.
Learn more about Mendeley Data for journals.
Article structure
Article sections
Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Number subsections 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), then 1.2, etc.
Use the numbering format when cross-referencing within your article. Do not just refer to "the text."
You may give subsections a brief heading. Headings should appear on a separate line.
Do not include the article abstract within section numbering.
Theory and calculation
The theory section should lay the foundation for further work by extending the background you provided in the introduction to your article. The calculation section should represent a practical development from a theoretical basis.
Please provide definitions of field-specific terms used in your article, in a separate list.
We advise you to use footnotes sparingly. If you include footnotes in your article, ensure that they are numbered consecutively.
You may use system features that automatically build footnotes into text. Alternatively, you can indicate the position of footnotes within the text and present them in a separate section at the end of your article.
Include any individuals who provided you with help during your research, such as help with language, writing or proof reading, in the acknowledgements section. Acknowledgements should be placed in a separate section which appears directly before the reference list. Do not include acknowledgements on your title page, as a footnote to your title, or anywhere else in your article other than in the separate acknowledgements section.
Author contributions: CRediT
Corresponding authors are to acknowledge co-author contributions using CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) roles:
Data curation
Formal analysis
Funding acquisition
Project administration
Writing – original draft
Writing – review and editing
Not all CRediT roles will apply to every manuscript and some authors may contribute through multiple roles.
We advise you to read more about CRediT and view an example of a CRediT author statement.
Funding sources
Authors must disclose any funding sources who provided financial support for the conduct of the research and/or preparation of the article. The role of sponsors, if any, should be declared in relation to the study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, writing of the report and decision to submit the article for publication. If funding sources had no such involvement this should be stated in your submission.
List funding sources in this standard way to facilitate compliance to funder's requirements:
Funding: This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health [grant numbers xxxx, yyyy]; the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA [grant number zzzz]; and the United States Institutes of Peace [grant number aaaa].
It is not necessary to include detailed descriptions on the program or type of grants, scholarships and awards. When funding is from a block grant or other resources available to a university, college, or other research institution, submit the name of the institute or organization that provided the funding.
If no funding has been provided for the research, it is recommended to include the following sentence:
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
We ask you to use the following format for appendices:
Identify individual appendices within your article using the format: A, B, etc.
Give separate numbering to formulae and equations within appendices using formats such as Eq. (A.1), Eq. (A.2), etc. and in subsequent appendices, Eq. (B.1), Eq. (B. 2) etc. In a similar way, give separate numbering to tables and figures using formats such as Table A.1; Fig. A.1, etc.
References within text
Any references cited within your article should also be present in your reference list and vice versa. Some guidelines:
References cited in your abstract must be given in full.
We recommend that you do not include unpublished results and personal communications in your reference list, though you may mention them in the text of your article.
Any unpublished results and personal communications included in your reference list must follow the standard reference style of the journal. In substitution of the publication date add "unpublished results" or "personal communication."
References cited as "in press" imply that the item has been accepted for publication.
Linking to cited sources will increase the discoverability of your research.
Before submission, check that all data provided in your reference list are correct, including any references which have been copied. Providing correct reference data allows us to link to abstracting and indexing services such as Scopus, Crossref and PubMed. Any incorrect surnames, journal or book titles, publication years or pagination within your references may prevent link creation.
We encourage the use of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) as reference links as they provide a permanent link to the electronic article referenced.
Reference format
This journal does not set strict requirements on reference formatting at submission. Some guidelines:
References can be in any style or format as long as the style is consistent.
Author names, journal or book titles, chapter or article titles, year of publication, volume numbers, article numbers or pagination must be included, where applicable.
Use of DOIs is recommended.
Our journal reference style will be applied to your article after acceptance, at proof stage. If required, at this stage we will ask you to correct or supply any missing reference data.
Web references
When listing web references, as a minimum you should provide the full URL and the date when the reference was last accessed. Additional information (e.g. DOI, author names, dates or reference to a source publication) should also be provided, if known.
You can list web references separately under a new heading directly after your reference list or include them in your reference list.
Data references
We encourage you to cite underlying or relevant datasets within article text and to list data references in the reference list.
When citing data references, you should include:
author name(s)
dataset title
data repository
version (where available)
global persistent identifier
Add [dataset] immediately before your reference. This will help us to properly identify the dataset. The [dataset] identifier will not appear in your published article.
Preprint references
We ask you to mark preprints clearly. You should include the word "preprint" or the name of the preprint server as part of your reference and provide the preprint DOI.
Where a preprint has subsequently become available as a peer-reviewed publication, use the formal publication as your reference.
If there are preprints that are central to your work or that cover crucial developments in the topic, but they are not yet formally published, you may reference the preprint.
Reference management software
Most Elsevier journals have their reference template available in popular reference management software products. These include products that support Citation Style Language (CSL) such as Mendeley Reference Manager.
If you use a citation plug-in from these products, select the relevant journal template and all your citations and bibliographies will automatically be formatted in the journal style. We advise you to remove all field codes before submitting your manuscript to any reference management software product.
If a template is not available for this journal, follow the format given in examples in the reference style section of this Guide for Authors.
Journal specific information
Submitting your manuscript
Submission checklist
Before completing the submission of your manuscript, we advise you to read our submission checklist:
One author has been designated as the corresponding author and their full contact details (email address, full postal address and phone numbers) have been provided.
All files have been uploaded, including keywords, figure captions and tables (including a title, description and footnotes) included.
Spelling and grammar checks have been carried out.
All references in the article text are cited in the reference list and vice versa.
Permission has been obtained for the use of any copyrighted material from other sources, including the Web.
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Journal specific information
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