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ISSN: 2666-9331

The return of protectionism: Prospects for Sino-US trade relations in the wake of the trade war

Over the past six years, the Sino-US trade war has not only reshaped the relationship between the world's two largest economies but also profoundly influenced the global economic and trade patterns....

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Digital transformation of commercial banks in China: Measurement, progress and impact

Nowadays, digital transformation has become an urgent strategic task for traditional commercial banks. Due to the lack of measurement of banks’ digital transformation, whether digital transformation...

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The special economic zones and innovation: Evidence from China

We examine the impact of Special Economic Zones (SEZs) on innovation using China's county-level data from 1985 to 2011. Results show that the establishment of SEZs promotes a county's innovation in...

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How does the universal two-child policy affect fertility behavior?

The Chinese government implemented the universal two-child policy on January 1, 2016 to arrest the decline in the nation's birthrate and address the challenge of a rapidly aging population. We find...

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The Impact of tariff increase on export and employment of Chinese firms

This paper examines the impact of the tariff increase implemented by the U.S. in 2018 on Chinese firms' export and subsequent employment adjustment. Under the influence of front run shipment and expected...

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Education burden reduction, family education investment, and education equity

How to effectively reduce the burden of students has received widespread attention in recent years. A series of burden reduction policies have been issued, yet there exists large dispute over the effectiveness...

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Gender roles and women’s labor market outcomes

Using the China General Social Survey data, we tried to examine the impact of gender roles on women’s labor market outcomes. We find that traditional gender roles emphasizing women’s responsibility...

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Fundamental research funding promotes college graduates’ employment: Evidence from the National Natural Science Foundation of China

Drawing on the case of the the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), we examine the impact of fundamental research funding on college graduates’ employment. Our findings indicate that...

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Supply chain interconnection and SME financing: From the perspective of supply chain finance and trade credit

By using an enhanced enterprise matching approach, we obtained microdata on the supply chain interconnections between small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and listed companies. Our findings suggest...

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What are public development banks and development financing institutions ? ——qualification criteria, stylized facts and development trends

Public development banks and development financing institutions are experiencing renaissance worldwide, but systematic academic research is patchy. The bottleneck mainly boils down to the lack of data,...

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Stabilizing economic growth: Growth target and government expenditure since World War II

This paper investigates how the government stabilizes economic growth from the perspective of government expenditure. We contribute a method to identify the government expenditure aimed at stabilizing...

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Extracurricular tutoring fever: Competitive pressure and peer effect

Recently, China's Ministry of Education has established a new department to regulate extracurricular tutoring for the purpose of reducing students' excessive academic burden. In this paper, we provide...

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The appropriate level of financial inclusion: The perspective of financial stability

We construct a global financial inclusion index using data from the World Bank, IMF, and V-Lab and propose an inverted U-shaped relationship between financial inclusion and financial stability. The...

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Aid and conflict: Evidence from Chinese aid

Using data from AidData and the conflict report from Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) from 2000 to 2014, we find that China's other official flows (OOF) aid can significantly reduce the frequency...

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The effectiveness of lending facilities in China —evidence from bank lending

This study examines the impact of lending facilities on commercial banks’ lending and its underlying mechanism by employing the difference-in-difference method utilizing Chinese banking data. It is...

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Trade shock, refugee, and the rise of right-wing populism: Evidence from European Parliament elections

Recent years have witnessed the rising support for right-wing populism in European politics. We rely on the outcomes of the 2014 European Parliament elections to empirically examine the economic and...

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Measuring real estate policy uncertainty in China

Referring to the newspaper textual analysis method by Baker et al. (2016), this study constructs a monthly Chinese Real Estate Policy Uncertainty (REPU) index from 2001 to 2018. The index increases...

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The impact of real estate market risks on the issuance costs of urban investment bonds: Evidence from China

It has been widely believed that bond spreads are positively correlated with related market risks. However, some studies in China's urban investment bond (UIB) market indicate that an increase in real...

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Financial technology, macroeconomic uncertainty, and commercial banks’ proactive risk-taking in China

In this paper, we collect the annual data of 145 commercial banks in China from 2010 to 2019 and use a panel data fixed-effect model to study how fintech (financial technology) affects the influence...

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Impact of air pollution on labor productivity: Evidence from prison factory data

This study examined the causal relationship between air pollution and labor productivity, by adopting prison factory data for a perfect measure of labor productivity. To address the endogeneity of air...

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Lightening up Africa: The effects of Chinese aid on the economic development in Africa

This article studies the effects of Chinese aid on economic development in Africa. We geographically match Chinese aid in Africa to the satellite nightlight and other variables. Using a grid-cell panel...

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Promoting corporate independent innovation through judicial protection of intellectual property rights

This study examines the impact of judicial protection of intellectual property rights on firms' independent innovation. Using a staggered difference-in-differences model with panel data from Chinese...

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Effect of export opportunity on the demand for skilled migrants and their next generation's education: Evidence from China

This paper examines whether increased export opportunity improved the relative demand for skilled labors in China's migrants, and whether such effects further improved their investments in their next...

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A friend indeed to friends in need? China's trade regime and Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy

Employing newly available data on Chinese Covid-19 vaccine deliveries for a cross-section of 157 countries, we examine if China's vaccine diplomacy is driven by altruistic, enlightened self-interested...

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Trade unions and the wage gap between rural migrant and local urban workers in China

This study estimates union wage premiums and analyzes the influence of trade unions on the wage gap between rural migrants and local urban workers in China by employing the Blinder–Oaxaca decomposition...

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