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ISSN: 2666-9331

Digital transformation of commercial banks in China: Measurement, progress and impact

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The special economic zones and innovation: Evidence from China

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Impact of air pollution on labor productivity: Evidence from prison factory data

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What are public development banks and development financing institutions ? ——qualification criteria, stylized facts and development trends

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Can information and communication technologies boost rural households’ income and narrow the rural income disparity in China?

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Winning at the starting line: The primary school premium and housing prices in Beijing

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Do discretion criteria for patent administrative law enforcement encourage innovation among firms?

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Decentralization and development of small cites: Evidence from county-to-city upgrading in China

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Gender roles and women's labor market outcomes

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Digital financial inclusion and household risk sharing: Evidence from China's digital finance revolution

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Financial technology, macroeconomic uncertainty, and commercial banks’ proactive risk-taking in China

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Stabilizing economic growth: Growth target and government expenditure since World War II

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The heterogeneous growth effects of the business environment: Firm-level evidence for a global sample of cities

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Innovation spillovers in production networks: Evidence from the establishment of national high-tech zones

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Local judicial system reform and corporate investment: Evidence from unified management of local courts below the province

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The effect of state capital injection on private firms’ performance: Evidence from Chinese industrial firms

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The appropriate level of financial inclusion: The perspective of financial stability

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Firm debt and labor share: The distribution effect of de-leverage

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How transportation infrastructure affects firm Productivity?Evidence from China

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Does the Chinese version of Bayh-Dole Act promote university innovation?

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District heating versus self-heating: Estimation of energy efficiency gap using regression discontinuity design

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Cost-benefit analysis of the Hukou reform: Simulation evidence from a theoretical labor market model

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Targeting more effective industrial policies: Evidence from massive media data on R&D manipulation

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