Early Career Editorial Board Member Interview: Nicholas G. Fischer

Published 11 March, 2025

Nicholas G. Fischer’s studies focus on the design and synthesis of multifunctional biomaterials to improve repair of biological tissues, with a focus in dentistry. These materials provide an optimized surface to promote epithelial attachment restorative materials and implants to extend the short lifespans of these common restorations. He has published 44 research, 18 case reports, 10 reviews and 2 book chapters.

Nicholas G. Fischer

Visiting Dental Fellow

Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Laboratory of Prof. Brenda Ogle, PhD

Here is the interview we did with him:

1. Could you briefly introduce the specific focus of your current research within the broad area of bioactive materials?

My research has three main themes. First, I develop strategies to biofunctionalize dental surfaces to enhance tissue healing and regeneration. These strategies leverage biologically derived peptides and bio-instructive polymers that can be readily implemented in clinical settings. One example is a novel class of polymers we have designed to support the formation of hemidesmosomes, critical cell-matrix adhesive structures.

Second, I have a long-standing interest in assessing the long-term durability of dental adhesives—fundamental materials used by nearly every clinician in daily practice.

Third, my more recent work involves collaborative research on dental prosthodontic materials. These materials are advancing rapidly, yet clinicians have limited data and guidance on their optimal use for durable, long-lasting clinical outcomes.

2. In the context of researching bioactive materials, what unique obstacles or difficulties have you faced?

As of March 2025, the scientific community in the United States is facing a crisis. Funding for research is being decimated, forcing labs to shut down and leaving researchers—from the earliest of early carriers—without support. Promising careers are being extinguished before they can begin. Anti-science and anti-medicine sentiments are surging. The long-term consequences will be devastating—not just for science, but for society.

3. How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in research, considering the rapidly evolving nature of the field?

I read relentlessly. Reading, writing, and speaking are the lifeblood of research, and we must remember—it’s okay to read a paper for fun. I divide my time between papers directly relevant to my projects and those that simply spark my curiosity. A broad range of journals makes this possible.

Often, when reading outside our expertise, we focus on small technical details or comparisons to prior work. This is essential, but it’s equally important to let our minds wander. Some papers ignite creativity, push our boundaries, and challenge us to engage with an open mind.

In art, there’s a concept of naïve creativity, where artists embrace their outsider status to create work that is raw, “simple,” and uninhibited. Reading beyond our field fosters a similar mindset—allowing us to ask fresh questions, identify gaps, and cultivate a sense of childlike wonder. That wonder may lead to groundbreaking discoveries, or it may simply nourish our curiosity and joy. Either outcome is a success.

4. What were the key factors that attracted you to become an early career editorial board member of Bioactive Materials?

I have published with Bioactive Materials and found the process both rigorous and extremely efficient with editorial staff and editors that respond quickly and clearly. I appreciate the journal being Open Access at cost that is not prohibitively expensive like other Publishers. Joining an early career editorial board fosters a dynamic and inclusive scientific community that will yield exponential gains into future of our long careers. It is crucial to establish platforms to shape the direction of emerging research, ensuring that innovative and diverse perspectives are represented as the world rapidly changes. Collaborating with peers will establish professional networks, refine our critical evaluation skills, encourage mentorship and knowledge exchange, and development of ethical publishing practices. It is also fun to see “behind the curtain” of the publishing process!

5. From your perspective, what are the most promising directions for the future development of Bioactive Materials?

We are only beginning to understand the complex reciprocal interactions between implant materials and the human body, including responses from the immune system and the extracellular matrix. The development of new regulatory pathways that reduce reliance on animal models is a promising step forward. Additionally, exploring how systemic diseases influence biomaterial behavior is an exciting frontier in bioactive material research, with the potential to drive significant advancements in the field.

6. As an early career editorial board member, what initiatives do you plan to take to engage more early-career researchers with the journal and the field of bioactive materials?

I have a background in clinical practice alongside my research. My life is a dynamic reciprocity between the two. Our shared motivation stems from unmet clinical challenges that require next-generation materials to restore health and hope. To enhance the translation of these materials into medical practice, I advocate for greater inclusion of clinicians and clinical fellows into all phases of research process.

I also suggest creation of standards and guidance statements within the subfields that used bioactive materials. Many of us are trained in multi- and inter-disciplinary fields which leads to many overlapping terms. For example, the manuscript may be titled “multifunctional plug and play polypeptide conjugate surface” or “antimicrobial titanium spinal implant.” This leads to confusion and clutter that ultimately makes it harder for us to build upon each other and work toward meaningful clinical translation.

7. Beyond your scientific endeavors in bioactive materials, what is your favorite pastime?

I enjoy cooking to experience new feelings, walking to clear my busy mind, traveling to see nature, playing with cats to relax, and spending time with my friends to remember the richness of life.

8. Given the demanding nature of scientific research, how do you manage to strike a balance between your research work and your personal life?

I believe in the importance of collaborative work - sharing effort and responsibilities within a research team leads to efficiency and prevents burnout. Research is a long-term pursuit and sustaining personal well-being is essential for continued creativity and impact. Surrounding yourself with people that understand and support this is essential. Life is now, not later.

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