KeAi Publishing awarded Chinese Association for Biomaterials appreciation award

Published 14 April, 2017

KeAi was recognised and acknowledged as the sponsor of the CAB Day: Seeking Convergence to Advance Biomaterials Science and Translation which was held at University of Minnesota on April 5th, 2017.

CAB chair, Guigen Zhang (right), awarding Yufeng Zheng (Bioactive Materials Editor in Chief) CAB award.

CAB members

Those present at the workshop included:

  • Prof. Xingdong Zhang (front row, third from left), Society for Biomaterials chair, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, member of the National Academy of Engineering.
  • Prof. K. W. Leong (front row, fourth from left), Editor in Chief of Biomaterials, National Academy of Engineering.
  • Prof. Guigen Zhang (front row, third from right), Chair of the Chinese Association for Biomaterials.
  • Prof. Jian Yang (second row, sixth from right), secretary general of the Chinese Association for Biomaterials.
  • Prof. Yufeng Zheng (third row, third from right), Editor in Chief of Bioactive Materials

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