Chinese Blackbirds (Turdus mandarinus) mimic electric moped sounds with lower consistency and frequencies
June 2025
Passerine mimics often imitate various vocalizations from other bird species and incorporate these sounds into their song repertoires. While a few anecdotes reported that wild songbirds imitated human-associated...
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Testing for assortative mating based on migratory phenotypes in the Common Tern (Sterna hirundo)
June 2025
Tracking and mating data of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo) breeding in a single colony in north-eastern Germany were used to test for assortative mating in regards to migratory phenotypes. These birds...
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DFEFM: Fusing frequency correlation and mel features for robust edge bird audio detection
June 2025
Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) technology is increasingly becoming one of the mainstream methods for bird monitoring. However, detecting bird audio within complex natural acoustic environments using...
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Shallow water habitats provide high-quality foraging environments for the Spoon-billed Sandpiper at a critical staging site
June 2025
Abundant food supply is crucial for the survival of long-distance migratory birds. The continued population decline of the Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Calidris pygmeae), a critically endangered shorebird,...
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Evaluation of antimicrobial resistance and virulence characteristics in Escherichia coli and Proteus mirabilis isolates from dead Crested Ibis embryos at the artificial breeding base
June 2025
Bacterial infections of avian embryos can lead to an increase in embryo mortality, and the proliferation of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria aggravates the situation. A low hatching rate also poses...
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eDNA enhances detection efficiency but reveals lower waterbird diversity: A comparison with point counting method
June 2025
Environmental DNA (eDNA) methods have emerged as a promising tool for studying a broad spectrum of biological taxa. However, metabarcoding studies of avian biodiversity using eDNA have received little...
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Distinguishing between wild-caught and captive-bred Common Pheasant using methylation rate of skeletal muscle DNA
June 2025
Illegal hunting and trafficking of wildlife and their derivatives extort unprecedented population decline of relatively many species pushing them towards extinction. Notwithstanding contemporary counteracting...
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A review of eDNA technology in avian monitoring: Current status, challenges and future perspectives
June 2025
In recent years, environmental DNA (eDNA) has garnered significant attention as a novel tool in biodiversity monitoring, recognized for its efficiency, convenience, and non-invasiveness. Despite its...
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Impacts of free-ranging yaks on habitat occupancy and population density of a high-mountain rare pheasant species
June 2025
Free-ranging yak grazing is a regime specially adapted to high-elevation environments across the Pan-Tibetan Highlands, yet its impacts on alpine birds remain poorly understood. The Chinese Monal (Lophophorus...
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Moving away from home: Early life movements and space use in juvenile Montagu’s Harriers (Circus pygargus) from central Italy
June 2025
Assessing individual differences and variability in animal movement patterns is essential to improve our understanding of the evolution and ontogeny of migratory strategies. In long-distance migratory...
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Crown saturation and intrasexual dominance: Evidence of a negatively correlated handicap in male Saffron Finches
June 2025
Carotenoid-based plumage coloration may signal individuals’ overall body condition, influencing reproduction and survival of birds. In tropical species, little is known about the influence of color...
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The impact of climatic conditions in wintering and breeding quarters on long-term breeding success in the Common Swift
June 2025
Climate change can affect rainfall and temperature worldwide, and the ability of birds to react to these changes can be mirrored by studying population phenology and their breeding success. Some European...
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Inability of recognizing offspring underlies parental errors in the selection of offspring
March 2025
Inclusive fitness theory posits that altruistic behaviors, which are directed more likely towards relatives, should be favored by natural selection. However, the prevalence of alternative parenting...
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Nestlings of two parrotbill species can independently evaluate the presence of predators based on acoustic cues
March 2025
Nest predation is the leading cause of reproductive failure in birds and a major driving force in the evolution of anti-predation strategies. Current studies on the anti-predation strategies of birds...
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Are urbanization, biotic and social factors associated with the song frequency and song entropy attributes of three urban syntopic passerines?
March 2025
Urban environments have challenging characteristics for bird acoustic communication. High levels of anthropogenic noise, as well as vegetation structure (e.g., in urban parks), can potentially affect...
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Decreased basal thermogenesis is associated with the downregulation of cellular metabolic activity of organs and serum thyroid hormones in fasting Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus)
March 2025
Food is a critical environmental factor that influences animal survival, especially for small passerines due to their high mass-specific metabolic rates. Basal metabolic rate (BMR) reflects the energy...
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Assessing the vulnerability of wintering habitats for the red-listed Asian Houbara (Chlamydotis macqueenii) using climate models and human impact assessments
March 2025
The Asian Houbara (Chlamydotis macqueenii), a vulnerable species, is under significant threat from habitat degradation and anthropogenic pressures in Pakistan's arid landscapes. This study addresses...
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Distribution pattern and niche overlap of sympatric breeding birds along human-modified habitat gradients in Inner Mongolia, China
March 2025
The transformation of natural habitats into human-modified landscapes has far-reaching consequences for species distribution and abundance. As species adapt to these changing environments, shifts in...
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Inter- and intraspecific variation in flight muscle fibers is associated with migratory timing
March 2025
The life-history strategies of organisms are shaped by trade-offs among traits that influence survival, development, reproduction, and ultimately fitness. However, the specific physiological and environmental...
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How does asymmetric sibling rivalry respond under environmental metal pollution? A case study of the Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
March 2025
The imbalanced allocation of maternal resources to eggs and nestlings may significantly impact the phenotype and fitness of offspring. Moreover, anthropogenic metal pollution has been reported to exert...
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Local song evolution after three decades in a complex songster, the Thrush Nightingale
March 2025
Birdsong is an important secondary sexual trait which may vary between but also within species. Intraspecific variation is generally studied either on the geographical or on the temporal scale; most...
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Three subspecies of Black-tailed Godwit share non-breeding sites in the world's largest river delta
March 2025
During the non-breeding season (September–April), Black-tailed Godwits (Limosa limosa) are commonly seen in coastal and inland wetlands of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta in Bangladesh. We hypothesize...
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Does wetland degradation impact bird diversity differently across seasons? A case study of Zoige Alpine Wetland ecosystem
March 2025
Wetland degradation is an escalating global challenge with profound impacts on animal diversity, particularly during successional processes. Birds, as highly mobile and environmentally sensitive organisms,...
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Disentangling the relative effects of semi-natural habitats within different landscape agricultural intensities on bird communities
March 2025
The process of agricultural intensification has led to significant reductions in biodiversity globally. Previous studies examined the role of semi-natural habitats within agroecosystems in supporting...
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Beyond amplitude: Phase integration in bird vocalization recognition with MHAResNet
March 2025
Bird vocalizations are pivotal for ecological monitoring, providing insights into biodiversity and ecosystem health. Traditional recognition methods often neglect phase information, resulting in incomplete...
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