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ISSN: 1674-2834
e-ISSN: 2376-6123

Heat waves in summer 2022 and increasing concern regarding heat waves in general

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Assessment of CMIP6 and CMIP5 model performance for extreme temperature in China

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Enhanced atmospheric phosphorus deposition in Asia and Europe in the past two decades

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A review of surface ozone source apportionment in China

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Assessment of global meteorological, hydrological and agricultural drought under future warming based on CMIP6

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Future changes of global potential evapotranspiration simulated from CMIP5 to CMIP6 models

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Joint effects of three oceans on the 2020 super mei‐yu

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Spatial and temporal variability of open biomass burning in Northeast China from 2003 to 2017

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CAS FGOALS-f3-L model dataset descriptions for CMIP6 DECK experiments

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Assessment of CMIP6 model performance for temperature and precipitation in Xinjiang, China

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Increased population exposure to precipitation extremes in China under global warming scenarios

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Predicting climate anomalies: A real challenge

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State of China's climate in 2021

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CAS FGOALS-f3-H and CAS FGOALS-f3-L outputs for the high-resolution model intercomparison project simulation of CMIP6

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Changes in polar amplification in response to increasing warming in CMIP6

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Global air quality change during the COVID-19 pandemic: Regionally different ozone pollution responses COVID-19

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Contributions of climate change, land use change and CO2 to changes in the gross primary productivity of the Tibetan Plateau

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Spatiotemporal characteristics of wind energy resources from 1960 to 2016 over China

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Improvement of the simulation of the summer East Asian westerly jet from CMIP5 to CMIP6

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Spatial and seasonal patterns of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in North China

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The ocean response to climate change guides both adaptation and mitigation efforts

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State of China's Climate in 2020

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Observation and modeling of vertical carbon dioxide distribution in a heavily polluted suburban environment

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3D DBSCAN detection and parameter sensitivity of the 2022 Yangtze river summertime heatwave and drought

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