Predicting falls from biomechanical response to balance perturbation in older adults with knee osteoarthritis, an exploratory study.
Available online 19 March 2025
The risk of falling in people with knee osteoarthritis is greater than in asymptomatic older adults. Several biomechanical responses have been connected to poor balance in osteoarthritis, but no studies...
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Effect of habitual dietary carbohydrate on maximal fat oxidation in active but untrained humans
Available online 10 March 2025
Changes in macronutrient intake has been linked to specific changes in rates of fat oxidation. However previous work has typically employed short duration interventions ranging from a couple of days...
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A randomised comparative effectiveness trial exploring two lower-dose resistance training modalities on quality of life, functional capacity and strength in healthy, untrained community-dwelling older adults
Available online 8 March 2025
This study investigated whether a lower volume of once-weekly resistance training (RT) could elicit meaningful improvements in quality of life (QoL), functional capacity and strength in untrained older...
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The role of hip abductor strengthening and the effects on running gait. A systematic review
Available online 4 March 2025
Running-related overuse injuries (RROI) are often associated with diminished hip strength, leading to exercise-based interventions to improve hip abductor strength in runners. However, the effects of...
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The appetite-regulatory response to an acute session of high-intensity interval training in pre-menopausal and post-menopausal females
Available online 3 March 2025
Sex hormones may affect the appetite response to exercise, and menopause, characterized by their withdrawal provides an opportunity to explore their role in appetite regulation. Therefore, this study...
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Multi-scale neural homeostasis mechanisms: Insights into neurodegenerative diseases and therapeutic approaches, including exercise
Available online 26 February 2025
Neural homeostasis plays a crucial role in enabling the nervous system to adapt to internal and external perturbations by modulating molecular activity, synaptic dynamics, and structural stability....
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Leg muscle strength and power predict rating of perceived effort during cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Available online 26 February 2025
The effort required to cycle progressively intensifies during an incremental exercise test. The determinants of the perceptions of leg cycling effort have not been assessed in large samples where sufficient...
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Time spent in lifestyle activities is associated with better insulin sensitivity and physical fitness in a sedentary Mexican American male population
Available online 19 January 2025
Sedentary behavior is highly prevalent in modern societies and has been shown to be a major risk factor for developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It is well established that physical activity...
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The interplay of leptin and the peripheral endocannabinoid system in energy homeostasis and obesity; Modulation by linoleic acid and exercise
Available online 16 January 2025
Obesity is a major global health epidemic. Obesity and its associated comorbidities diminish the quality of life and have negative financial impacts. Obesity is a complex disease that involves the interplay...
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The influence of exercise and BMI on food choices during pregnancy
December 2024
Exercise is linked to health-conscious behaviors, such as healthy eating, through psychophysiological pathways that include improvements in executive functioning. The influence of exercise while pregnant...
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Symptom management and lifestyle interventions for people with fibromyalgia
December 2024
Fibromyalgia is a complex condition with symptoms of hyperalgesia, chronic fatigue, anxiety and depression. Treating fibromyalgia symptoms typically requires pharmacological, psychological and lifestyle...
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Exercise-mediated circulating metabolites for brain health
December 2024
Physical exercise benefits brain health via multi-layered mechanisms, among which exercise-mediated circulating metabolites play a crucial role. These peripheral-derived factors may cross the blood-brain...
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EZH1 as a key mediator of exercise-induced H3K27me3 and H3K4me3 in mouse skeletal muscle
December 2024
Epigenetic modification is a key mechanism that enhances the response of skeletal muscle to exercise training. Exercise-induced H3K27me3, which is co-modified with H3K4me3, is crucial for gene responses...
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Application of the COSIAM method for muscle protein turnover and skeletal muscle mass in young females: A comparison of methods for body composition assessment
December 2024
Evaluating rates of myofibrillar protein synthesis (MyoPS) and breakdown (MyoPB) is essential for understanding muscle protein turnover, which underpins changes in skeletal muscle mass (SMM). For the...
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Environmental and personal factors that influence gym members with disabilities
December 2024
Individuals with disabilities (IWD) are at increased risk for chronic health conditions. Much of this risk can be countered through exercise, yet most IWD do not achieve enough exercise to meet recommended...
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Biomechanical differences between habitual forefoot and rearfoot strike running: A systematic review
December 2024
In recent years' research, the scientific and clinical communities have shown increased interest in the differences between foot strike patterns due to their biomechanical implications and the associated...
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Swimming combined with corn peptide counteracts high-fat diet-induced obesity through rescuing imbalanced gut flora
December 2024
To investigate the effects of swimming and corn peptide on counteracting obesity of high-fat diet (HFD)-induced mice and uncover the underlying mechanisms through analyzing the compositions and structure...
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Quantifying variability associated with high-resolution respirometry in human permeabilized skeletal muscle fibers
September 2024
Rates of skeletal muscle mitochondrial respiration are often measured using an Oroboros Oxygraph-2K (O2K) high-resolution respirometer. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the coefficients...
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The effect of different breathing conditions on cerebral blood flow in young males during maximal aerobic exercise: A pilot study
September 2024
During aerobic exercise, cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreases past 70 % of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2), but transient hypercapnia could mitigate the reduction....
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Enhancing health-related fitness, self-efficacy, and quality of life in adults with physical disabilities: A 9-week community-based structured exercise and mindfulness program
September 2024
Adults with physical disabilities encounter multifaceted challenges, emphasizing the critical need to address both their physical and psychological well-being while overcoming barriers to physical active...
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Connecting bone metastasis, adipose tissue and adipokines: How does physical activity fit?
September 2024
Cancer has become the leading cause of mortality worldwide, and the spread of metastases represents the most serious aspect of the neoplastic disease. In particular, bone is a primary and recurrent...
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Associations of changes in physical activity and well-being among cancer survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic
September 2024
Meeting the physical activity (PA) guidelines (i.e., ≥ 150 min/week of aerobic PA and/or 2 days/week of resistance training) is beneficial for cancer survivors’ well-being. However, the impact of changes...
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Effects of exercise training on prostate cancer: Current evidence and potential molecular mechanisms
September 2024
Prostate cancer (PCa) is a significant health concern globally, being the most diagnosed cancer and the second leading cause of male mortality in the United States. Despite advances in treatment, exploring...
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Segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis indicates dehydration status after exercise
September 2024
Hydration status monitoring is critical to help those in exercise training to avoid serious dehydration. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a convenient and timely method to monitor body composition...
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Association between endothelial microparticles and objectively measured physical activity in adults with obesity
September 2024
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a serious global public health concern that often originates from endothelial dysfunction. Microparticles (MPs) can reflect alterations in tissue or cell function phenotype...
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