Big Data analytics in oil and gas industry: An emerging trend
December 2020
This paper reviews the utilization of Big Data analytics, as an emerging trend, in the upstream and downstream oil and gas industry. Big Data or Big Data analytics refers to a new technology which can...
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Solid amine sorbents for CO2 capture by chemical adsorption: A review
March 2017
Amines are well-known for their reversible reactions with CO2, which make them ideal for CO2 capture from several gas streams, including flue gas. In this respect, selective CO2 absorption by aqueous...
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CO2 utilization: Developments in conversion processes
March 2017
Carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) –including conversion to valuable chemicals-is a challenging contemporary issue having multi-facets. The prospect to utilize carbon dioxide (CO2)...
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Significant aspects of carbon capture and storage – A review
December 2019
Excessive emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere has resulted in a progressive climate change and global warming in the past decades. There have been many approaches developed to reduce the...
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Sand production: A smart control framework for risk mitigation
March 2020
Due to the current global oil price, the sand production is considered undesirable product and the control of sand production is considered as one of the main concerns of production engineers. It can...
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A review on casing while drilling technology for oil and gas production with well control model and economical analysis
March 2019
The extraction of petroleum fluids from sub-surface accumulations mandates the drilling of a well into the formation containing the accumulation. The drilling techniques have evolved over time to overcome...
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Role of biosurfactants in bioremediation of oil pollution-a review
September 2018
The energy resources mainly petroleum and petroleum hydrocarbons are major pollutants of the environment. The oil and oil products contamination may cause severe harm and hence, the attention has been...
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A comprehensive review on proppant technologies
March 2016
The main function of traditional proppants is to provide and maintain conductive fractures during well production where proppants should meet closure stress requirement and show resistance to diagenesis...
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Enhanced heavy and extra heavy oil recovery: Current status and new trends
September 2024
Due to the increased demand for energy resources these days, especially due to the Russian-Ukrainian war, the focus of the major countries is turning strongly towards improving oil production, especially...
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Most common surfactants employed in chemical enhanced oil recovery
June 2017
Chemical enhanced oil recovery (EOR) and particularly surfactant injection has recently received a great deal of attention. The suggested recovery mechanisms after injecting surfactants include wettability...
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Approach for C1 to C2 products commencing from carbon dioxide: A brief review
September 2024
The carbon dioxide (CO2) conversion to useable compounds remains a great contest to scientists, engineers, and environmentalists with regard to the reverse of the oxidative degradation of organics....
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Predicting saturated vapor pressure of LNG from density and temperature data with a view to improving tank pressure management
March 2021
Determining the saturated vapor pressure (SVP) of LNG requires detailed thermodynamic calculations based on compositional data. Yet LNG compositions and SVPs evolve constantly for LNG stored in tanks....
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An experimental study of diesel fuel cloud and pour point reduction using different additives
December 2019
An experimental study was conducted to investigate the effects of four different additives on pour point and cloud point temperatures of a diesel fuel. Sample mixtures were prepared in different volumetric...
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Review on chemical enhanced oil recovery using polymer flooding: Fundamentals, experimental and numerical simulation
June 2020
The EOR techniques are employed to recover more oil from mature reservoirs after the primary and secondary oil production stages. Polymer flooding as a chemical EOR method involves adding polymer molecules...
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A review of recent developments in CO2 mobility control in enhanced oil recovery
September 2022
Carbon dioxide-enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) has gained widespread attention in light of the declining conventional oil reserves. Moreover, CO2-EOR contributes to the reduction of the global emissions...
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Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) study, on reciprocating compressors API 618
June 2017
The Oil & Gas industry has continuously increased its requirements and together with the high complexity of technological systems and the higher competitiveness of markets, has compelled providers to...
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Artificial lift system optimization using machine learning applications
June 2022
Currently, in the oil industry, artificial lift optimization (ALO) systems are dealing with different applications including well monitor and control, reservoir management, production optimization,...
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Using ultrasonic and microwave to prevent and reduce wax deposition in oil production
December 2024
Wax deposition in oil and gas pipelines and equipment is a fundamental challenge that can lead to a decrease in the performance and useful life of these systems. To address this issue, various methods...
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A review of in situ upgrading technology for heavy crude oil
June 2021
With the growing demand of oil worldwide, heavy oil has increasingly become vital in the world energy market. However, further development of heavy oil reservoirs are limited by regular enhanced oil...
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A review of torsional vibration mitigation techniques using active control and machine learning strategies
September 2024
Drilling is one of the most challenging and expensive processes in hydrocarbon extraction and geothermal well development. Dysfunctions faced during drilling can increase the non-productive time (NPT)...
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A review on hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoir
March 2015
Hydraulic fracturing is widely accepted and applied to improve the gas recovery in unconventional reservoirs. Unconventional reservoirs to be addressed here are with very low permeability, complicated...
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A novel rate of the reaction between NaOH with CO2 at low temperature in spray dryer
March 2017
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an influential greenhouse gas that has a significant impact on global warming partly. Nowadays, many techniques are available to control and remove CO2 in different chemical...
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Multiphase flow challenges in drilling, completions, and injection: Part 1
December 2024
This review addresses the diverse applications of multiphase flows, focusing on drilling, completions, and injection activities in the oil and gas industry. Identifying contemporary challenges and suggesting...
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Leakage and diffusion characteristics of underground hydrogen pipeline
June 2024
Soil corrosion and hydrogen embrittlement are the main factors of hydrogen pipeline failure. The gas escapes, diffuses and accumulates in the soil and enters the atmosphere when leak occurs. The mechanism...
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Estimation of SARA composition of crudes purely from density and viscosity using machine learning based models
December 2024
Accurate characterization of crude oils by determining the composition of saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes (SARA) has always been a challenging task in the petroleum industry. However, conventional...
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