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Open access

ISSN: 2096-2495
CN: 10-1439/TE
e-ISSN: 2524-1729

Spatio-temporal characterisation of the Beekeeper Formation of Australia: facies development, mixing of carbonate and siliciclastic materials, and influencing factors

The Beekeeper Formation, a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic reservoir, has long been known as a proven gas reservoir in the northern Perth Basin, Australia. However, its characteristics, and spatio-temporal...

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Enhancing Oil Recovery with MWCNT and GO Nanocomposites in High Salinity Heterogeneous Media

Water injection remains the predominant method in the oil recovery process, but chemical flooding methods such as nanohybrid injection, with its distinct advantages, emerge as a promising alternative...

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Influence of Stress Sensitivity on Pore Structure of Tight Reservoirs: Digital Core Based Analysis

During the development of tight reservoirs, as the formation pressure decreases, the effective stress on the rock matrix increases. This leads to rock deformation and, consequently, changes in the physical...

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A comparative experimental study on the prediction of renewable oils properties using RGB and HSV Image Processing techniques

In this study, renewable oil properties of Flash Point (0C), Fire Point (0C), Density (kg/m3), Cloud Point (0C), Pour Point (0C), and Viscosity (cST) are predicted using image processing techniques...

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Simulation-Driven Sensitivity Analysis and Optimization of Critical Parameters for Maximizing CO2-EOR Efficiency

The application of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) injection in enhanced oil recovery (EOR) has evolved, making a major benefit for increasing the production level from mature reservoirs. This paper investigates...

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Investigation on Phase Behavior of Shale Condensate Gas under Multi-Interface Effect

Shale condensate reservoirs, as a significant unconventional resource, have been gaining increasing interest in recent times. Researchers have developed a variety of models to analyze interfacial effects...

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New approach for the performance of reservoirs depleted by long horizontal wellbores with closed sections

This paper introduces a new approach for reservoir performance where long horizontal wellbores are extended in the porous media with the existence of closed sections. It focuses on the impact of these...

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New approach for decline curve analysis of unconventional fractured reservoirs: Rate-normalized flow rate derivative concept

This manuscript introduces a new decline curve analysis (DCA) technique to analyze and predict the potentials of hydraulically fractured unconventional resources. The new approach relies on the rate-normalized...

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Machine Learning Approach for Modelling and Predicting Interfacial Tension and Rheology of Crude Oil Nanoemulsions Stabilized by Rhamnolipid Biosurfactant

Forecasting the properties of nanoemulsions without engaging in expensive and time-consuming experimental research can yield significant benefits across multiple applications. This study examines the...

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Application of hybrid numerical reservoir simulation and artificial neural network for evaluating reservoir performance under waterflooding

In the current study, an artificial neural network (ANN) and a numerical reservoir simulation (NRS) technique are used to analyse reservoir performance under waterflooding in the ZH86 block of the Zhaozhouqiao...

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Performance evaluation of fracturing-huff-n-percolation-puff (FHnPP) processes in a hydrocarbon reservoir

Due to its superior performance on the efficient exploitation of a small fault-block reservoir, a novel technique of fracturing-huff-n-percolation-puff (FHnPP) has received increasing attentions in...

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Corrosion patterns and optimal materials of tubings in sulfur purification buried wells in the Sichuan Basin

The study aims to explore the corrosion behaviors of tubings of different materials under the injection condition of sulfur-containing purification exhaust gas buried storage well and select a proper...

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Comparing the effect of nanofluids in capillary imbibition with traditional displacing fluids

The effectiveness of surfactant solutions, polymers and nanosuspensions in capillary imbibition was studied comparatively. Two series of experiments on capillary imbibition with displacing liquids from...

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Evaluating the potential of depleted oil reservoirs for CO2 sequestration through simulation modeling

Leading to achieve net zero emissions, performing carbon capture and storage (CCS) on a large scale is becoming more necessary, especially for developing countries, which are highly affected by the...

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Optimum formation depths for CO2 structural trapping: Impact of salinity

Geological CO2 storage is considered a promising solution to achieve net-zero goals. Structural trapping is one of the primary mechanisms that holds the injected CO2 within the storage medium and prevents...

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Organic Geochemical Aspects of Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Fractions for Determining Coal Bed Methane Exploration Strategies of Sawahlunto and Sangatta Coals

Sawahlunto (SL-02) and Sangatta (KD-04) coals were analyzed for the presence of aliphatic hydrocarbon fraction biomarkers to assess their organic geochemistry and its implications for selecting exploration...

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An experimental study of alcohol injection to mitigate water blockage in commingled layered reservoirs

This study explores the effectiveness of alcohol injection as a stimulation treatment to mitigate water blockage in the vicinity of the wellbore. Over the years, water blockage has emerged as a recurring...

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Influence of triton-assisted coconut shell derived graphene nanoplatelets in water-based drilling fluid lubricity and shale inhibition application

Insufficient hole cleaning, cutting suspension, clay swelling, and filtrate invasion of the formation might result from inadequate drilling mud properties. For effective drilling and wellbore stability,...

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A review on oilfield produced water and its treatment technologies

Owing to the soaring urge to meet the demand for oil and gas on different frontiers, its exploration all over the world is of paramount importance. Exploration and production of oil calls for handling...

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Foam drainage modeling of vertical foam column and validation with experimental results

The understanding of the mechanisms behind foam generation and the structure of foam itself form the basis of foam-related experiments for its application in Enhanced Oil Recovery and overcoming gas...

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Chemometric analysis on concentrations and ratios of terpanes and steranes and implications for oils from the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin, NW China

More than 2 × 109 tonnes of proved oils have been found in the cratonic region of the Tarim Basin. The source rocks for these oils remain unresolved although the source rocks are marine facies within...

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Sedimentary characteristics and geological significance of a mixed-process delta for petroleum exploration in the Zhuhai formation of the Baiyun Depression, Pearl River Mouth Basin, China

The Zhuhai Formation in the Baiyun Depression of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the northern South China Sea is a marine delta influenced by multiple hydrodynamic forces, including rivers, waves, and...

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Machine learning classification algorithm screening for the main controlling factors of heavy oil CO2 huff and puff

CO2 huff and puff technology can enhance the recovery of heavy oil in high-water-cut stages. However, the effectiveness of this method varies significantly under different geological and fluid conditions,...

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Laser drilling through Hashma sandstone

The application of laser in the drilling and perforation of oil wells can achieve great benefits such as reduced drilling costs and time with a higher rate of penetration (ROP) and elimination of casing...

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Investigation of petrophysical properties of synthetic carbonate plugs: Adding a novel 3D printing approach to control pore networks

The physical and chemical properties of rocks play a crucial role in understanding fluid-solid flow behavior at the pore level. Thus, studying pore space characteristics is important in evaluating and...

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