Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience and KeAi Attend ACE2019 in San Antonio, TX, USA
Published 23 May, 2019
From May 19 to 22, 2019, representatives of the Editorial Office of the Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience and KeAi attended ACE2019 in San Antonio, TX, USA, the Annual Convention and Exhibition of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG).
Both KeAi and the Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience were present with a booth at the Exhibitions Hall, welcoming conference delegates to discuss the latest developments in the field as well as any issues related to the journal.
With the theme "A Sustainable Future" ACE2019 attracted 7,500 professionals from more than 70 countries, providing an excellent opportunity for the Journal of Natural Gas Geoscience to present itself to a targeted, truly global audience as a high-quality Open Access journal.