Seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifers of India - A review
Massive withdrawal of groundwater resources due to population growth and rapid industrialization has led to seawater intrusion into the coastal aquifers across the globe. The problem is an emerging...
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Assessing the impacts of river bed mining on aquatic ecosystems: A critical review of effects on water quality and biodiversity
River bed mining, an activity crucial for meeting the demands of construction and infrastructure development, has raised concerns about its potential adverse impacts on aquatic ecosystems. This critical...
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Machine learning and deep learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping using geospatial techniques in Wayanad, Kerala state, India
Landslide susceptibility mapping is vital for disaster management and sustainable land-use planning. This research was conducted in Wayanad, Kerala, India, to identify landslide susceptible zones. The...
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The pharmaceutical disposal practices and environmental contamination: A review in East African countries
The aim of this review was to analyze the available information on methods used in disposing of unused or expired pharmaceuticals in East African countries and the possibility of environmental contamination....
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Remote sensing in hydrology: A systematic review of its applications in the Upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
The Upper Blue Nile basin is important for sustaining millions of livelihoods in Ethiopia and downstream nations. However, there are very few hydroclimate observatories in the basin. Remote sensing...
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Application of SWAT hydrological model for assessing water availability at the Sherigu catchment of Ghana and Southern Burkina Faso
Water is an important resource needed in every aspect of life, e.g. human habitats, economic prosperity, food security, etc. There is a need to simulate and quantify the availability of water using...
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Impact of urban wastewater reuse for irrigation on hydro-agro-ecological systems and human health risks: A case study from Musi river basin, South India
Use of wastewater for irrigation remains a disagreement among policymakers and researchers. However, it is fact that wastewater may contains many contaminants including heavy metals that can negatively...
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GIS-based assessment of soil erosion and sediment yield using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) model in the Murredu Watershed, Telangana, India
The current investigation was conducted in the Murredu watershed, situated in India. The essential datasets, such as the digital elevation model (DEM), soil, land use land cover (LULC), and rainfall...
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Groundwater quality evaluation using water quality index and geospatial techniques in parts of Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, South India
The main aim of this research is to evaluate the quality of groundwater in parts of Anantapur district, Andhra Pradesh, for drinking and irrigation purposes. Groundwater samples were collected from...
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Hydrogeochemical characterization and human health risks associated with groundwater nitrate concentrations in the Saiss basin, Morocco
Groundwater has been facing not only prolonged climate change-induced groundwater shortage but also severe deterioration of groundwater quality from natural and/or anthropogenic sources. This study...
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Application of electrical resistivity tomography for groundwater evaluation in Yirgacheffe Town and its environs, Main Ethiopian Rift
Exploring groundwater is crucial in areas with poor surface water quality, such as Yirgacheffe Town and its surroundings. This study aims to assess aquifer materials and groundwater potential using...
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Addressing water scarcity challenges through rainwater harvesting: A comprehensive analysis of potential zones and model performance in arid and semi-arid regions–A case study on Purulia, India
Water scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions is a critical global concern, necessitating innovative solutions to address increasing water demands in these vulnerable areas. This study focuses on tackling...
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Contamination of urban waterways: A mini-review of water pollution in the rivers of East Africa's major cities
This study performs a mini-review, and provides sustainable solutions for water pollution challenges affecting major rivers flowing through urban areas in East Africa. Through a synthesis of 100 peer-reviewed...
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A critical review on groundwater level depletion monitoring based on GIS and data-driven models: Global perspectives and future challenges
The present study aims to thoroughly review GWL depletion monitoring studies completed between 2000 and 2023 based on data-driven models and GIS approaches from a global perspective. The review summarizes...
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Surface runoff estimation of Sind river basin using integrated SCS-CN and GIS techniques
Rainfall and runoff are the significant hydrologic component in the water resources assessment. Numerous methods are available to estimate runoff from rainfall; however, the SCS-CN method remains the...
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Surface water quality evaluation, apportionment of pollution sources and aptness testing for drinking using water quality indices and multivariate modelling in Baitarani River basin, Odisha
Baitarani River, Odisha, faces serious deterioration due to massive human intervention. It is particularly susceptible to degradation because it receives industrial and waste water emissions from surrounding...
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Pollution indicators and human health risk assessment of fluoride contaminated drinking groundwater in southern Pakistan
This study investigated fluoride contamination in groundwater and associated health risks in the Badin district of Pakistan. Fifty-seven groundwater samples were analyzed for fluoride, turbidity, iron,...
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Hydrogeochemical evaluation of groundwater evolution and quality in some Voltaian aquifers of Kintampo South District, Bono East Region, Ghana: Implications from chemometric analysis, geochemical modeling and geospatial mapping techniques
Kintampo South District in the Bono East Region of Ghana is dominated by metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks of the Birimian and the Voltaian Supergroups, which are reported to show aquifer complexities...
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Investigating drinking water quality, microbial pollution, and potential health risks in selected schools of Badin city, Pakistan
This study investigated drinking water quality in public, private, and religious schools in Badin city, Pakistan. Physicochemical parameters were within limits except for slightly elevated pH and turbidity....
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Analysis of stationary and non-stationary hydrological extremes under a changing environment: A systematic review
Research on hydrological extremes has increased due to their increasing frequency and destructive power, with their non-stationarity attributed to human activities and climate change. To understand...
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Evaluation of distributed and semi-distributed hydrological models in complex River Basin system, Nepal
Hydrological information is essential for planning water resource projects and for simulating hydrological models to calibrate and generate streamflow data. This study evaluates the performance of distributed...
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Surface water potential zones delineation and spatiotemporal variation characteristics of water pollution and the cause of pollution formation in Brahmani River Basin, Odisha
Waste water reuse is an effective method for reducing the quantity of wastewater that enters the environment. As a result, the appropriateness was assessed in accordance with its composition and the...
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Assessing the water quality of Vatadahosahalli Lake in Chikkaballapura district, Karnataka, India
Freshwater lakes, crucial for the country's economy, play diverse roles in supporting industrial, agricultural, and ecological processes. Despite their significance, rising human activities globally,...
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Trends and periodicities in Krishna Basin rainfall/extremes found via hierarchical analysis
Analysing the spatiotemporal changes in long-term rainfall and extreme events at a river basin scale is crucial for optimal water resource management. This study examines trends in long-term rainfall...
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Morphological changes in the offshore islands of Meghna estuary: Analysis of the erosion and accretion dynamics
This study examines the morphological changes of ten offshore islands in the Meghna estuary of Bangladesh over thirty years, from 1989 to 2019, utilizing remote sensing and Geographic Information System...
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