Lydie-Stella Koutika
Editorial Board, Forest Ecosystems
Research Center on Productivity and Sustainability of Industrial Plantations (CRDPI), Congo

Research Center on Productivity and Sustainability of Industrial Plantations (CRDPI), Congo
Lydie-Stella Koutika works on how to sustain forest plantations established on Arenosols in the Congolese coastal plains, spanning over 6 million in the Congo basin and most common soil type in Africa. Her research reported soil carbon accretion (stands containing acacia) in acacia and eucalyptus plantations, which however declines with time. Soil nitrogen status improved preventing the drastic degradation. Available phosphorus declined in stands containing acacia relative to pure eucalyptus counterpart, but its concentration remained higher in all forested stands relative to native savannas. Strong link between soil biota, nutrient cycling and availability, environment and human activities has been also reported.
Areas of expertise: Soil organic matter; nutrients; forest systems; C sequestration; climate change