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ISSN: 2950-0699

Printing the future of food: The physics perspective on 3D food printing

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Transglutaminase mediated cross-linking of peanut and buckwheat proteins under dual-frequency ultrasound field: Functional attributes study

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Application of multi-frequency ultrasonic thawing on pork: Thawing rate, quality properties and microstructure

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Effect of ultrasound-assisted fermentation on physicochemical properties and volatile flavor compounds of Chinese rice wine

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Physical action of nonthermal cold plasma technology for starch modification

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Effects of electrostatic field-assisted freezing on the functional properties and aggregation behavior of gluten

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Recent trends and advancements in nanoemulsions: Production methods, functional properties, applications in food sector, safety and toxicological effects

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Interdisciplinary innovation involving food science and physics: Food Physics

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Process optimization and influence of processing conditions on physical, thermal and textural characteristics of Nigerian pasta produced from acha flour and defatted Moringa oleifera powder

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Prediction of physicochemical and textural properties of post-harvest ‘Hayward’ kiwifruit based on creep properties

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Assessment and comparison of cooking qualities and physio-chemical properties of seven rice varieties in terms of amylose content

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Aqueous extraction of tomato seed oil using combination of ohmic heating and microwave heating as pretreatment

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The science behind physical field technologies for improved extraction of juices with enhanced quality attributes

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Physical characterization and mass modelling of Wood apple (Aegel marmelos L.)

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Impact of cold plasma and thermal treatment on the storage stability and shelf-life of pineapple juice: A comprehensive postharvest quality assessment

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Comparison of four drying methods in terms of the drying efficiency and physicochemical properties of chicken meat

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