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ISSN: 1674-4519
CN: 11-5695/P
e-ISSN: 1867-8777

Recent advances in earthquake monitoring I: Ongoing revolution of seismic instrumentation

Seismic networks have significantly improved in the last decade in terms of coverage density, data quality, and instrumental diversity. Moreover, revolutionary advances in ultra-dense seismic instruments,...

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Advances in seismological methods for characterizing fault zone structure

Large earthquakes frequently occur along complex fault systems. Understanding seismic rupture and long-term fault evolution requires constraining the geometric and material properties of fault zone...

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Fractal analysis of major faults and fractal dimension of lineaments in the Indo-Gangetic Plain on a regional scale

The Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) is one of the most seismically vulnerable areas due to its proximity to the Himalayas. Geographic information system (GIS)-based seismic characterization of the IGP was...

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Crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau from joint inversion of surface wave dispersions and receiver functions with P velocity constraints

Lithospheric structure beneath the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau is of vital significance for studying the geodynamic processes of crustal thickening and expansion of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau....

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DiTing: A large-scale Chinese seismic benchmark dataset for artificial intelligence in seismology

In recent years, artificial intelligence technology has exhibited great potential in seismic signal recognition, setting off a new wave of research. Vast amounts of high-quality labeled data are required...

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Strong ground motion characteristics observed in the February 6, 2023 MW7.7 Türkiye earthquake

Türkiye is located in a seismically active region, where the Anatolian, African, and Arabian tectonic plates converge. High seismic hazards cause the region to be struck repeatedly by major earthquakes....

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Theories and applications of earthquake-induced gravity variation: Advances and perspectives

Earthquake-induced gravity variation refers to changes in the earth’s gravity field associated with seismic activities. In recent years, development in the theories has greatly promoted seismic deformation...

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A review of geophysical studies on the Mongolian Plateau

The Mongolian Plateau in Central Asia is an intracontinental tectonic system far from active plate boundaries. Despite its distance from these boundaries, the plateau is characterized by intense crustal...

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Analysis of faulting destruction and water supply pipeline damage from the first mainshock of the February 6, 2023 Türkiye earthquake doublet

In 2023, two consecutive earthquakes exceeding a magnitude of 7 occurred in Türkiye, causing severe casualties and economic losses. The damage to critical urban infrastructure and building structures,...

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High-resolution seismicity imaging and early aftershock migration of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş (SE Türkiye) MW7.9 & 7.8 earthquake doublet

We build a high-resolution early aftershock catalog for the 2023 SE Türkiye seismic sequence with PALM, a seamless workflow that sequentially performs phase picking, association, location, and matched...

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Investigating the reactivation of historical landslides during the 2022 Luding MS6.8 earthquake

On September 5, 2022, a strong earthquake with a magnitude of MS6.8 struck Luding County in Sichuan Province, China, triggering thousands of landslides along the Dadu River in the northwest-southeast...

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The coefficient of variation representing the non-uniformity of the strain field and its implication to detect earthquake precursor*

Before the major earthquake or rock damage occurs, it is often accompanied by a sudden change in the degree of non-uniformity of the strain field. In order to find a stronger non-uniformity signal before...

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Coseismic deformation and fault slip distribution of the 2023 MW7.8 and MW7.6 earthquakes in Türkiye

On February 6, 2023, a devastating earthquake with a moment magnitude of MW7.8 struck the town of Pazarcik in south-central Türkiye, followed by another powerful earthquake with a moment magnitude of...

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Comparison of the earthquake detection abilities of PhaseNet and EQTransformer with the Yangbi and Maduo earthquakes

PhaseNet and EQTransformer are two state-of-the-art earthquake detection methods that have been increasingly applied worldwide. To evaluate the generalization ability of the two models and provide insights...

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The MW5.5 earthquake on August 6, 2023, in Pingyuan, Shandong, China: A rupture on a buried fault

On August 6, 2023, a magnitude MW5.5 earthquake struck Pingyuan County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China. This event was significant as no large earthquakes had been recorded in the region for...

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South China Sea Typhoon Hagibis enhanced Xinfengjiang Reservoir seismicity

There was an evident increase in the number of earthquakes in the Xinfengjiang Reservoir from June to July 2014 after the landing of Typhoon Hagibis. To understand the spatial and temporal evolution...

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Experimental investigation on the origin of carbonaceous materials in the fault zone of the Wenchuan earthquake

Carbonaceous materials in seismic fault zones may considerably influence seismic fault slip; however, the formation mechanism of carbonaceous materials remains unclear. In this study, we proposed a...

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Intrinsic and scattering attenuations of the Sichuan-Yunnan region in China from S coda waves

Seismic attenuation is a fundamental property of the Earth's media. Attenuation structure for the complicated geological structures with strong seismicity in the Sichuan-Yunnan region is poorly studied....

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Pulse-like ground motion observed during the 6 February 2023 MW7.8 Pazarcık Earthquake (Kahramanmaraş, SE Türkiye)

In this study, we analyzed 100 three-component strong ground motion records observed within 200 km of the causative fault of the 6 February 2023 MW7.8 Pazarcık (Kahramanmaraş) Earthquake in SE Türkiye....

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Ambient noise tomography of a linear seismic array based on an improved Voronoi tessellation

Ambient noise tomography, when applied to a dense linear seismic array, has the capability to provide detailed insights into the fine velocity structures across diverse tectonic settings. The linear...

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CREDIT-X1local: A reference dataset for machine learning seismology from ChinArray in Southwest China

High-quality datasets are critical for the development of advanced machine-learning algorithms in seismology. Here, we present an earthquake dataset based on the ChinArray Phase I records (X1). ChinArray...

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Recent advances in earthquake monitoring II: Emergence of next-generation intelligent systems

Seismic data processing techniques, together with seismic instrumentation, determine our earthquake monitoring capability and the quality of resulting earthquake catalogs. This paper is intended to...

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The accessible seismological dataset of a high-density 2D seismic array along Anninghe fault

The scientific goal of the Anninghe seismic array is to investigate the detailed geometry of the Anninghe fault and the velocity structure of the fault zone. This 2D seismic array is composed of 161...

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Co and postseismic fault slip models of the 2022 MW6.7 Menyuan earthquake reveal conjugated faulting tectonics at the central section of the Lenglongling fault

The 2022 MW6.7 Menyuan earthquake ruptured the western end of the Tianzhu seismic gap, providing an opportunity to study the regional seismogenic characteristics and seismic hazards. Here we use interferometric...

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Seismic prompt gravity strain signals in a layered spherical Earth

Seismic waves generated by an earthquake can produce dynamic perturbations in the Earth’s gravity field before the direct arrival of P-waves. Observations of these so-called prompt elasto-gravity signals...

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