Special Issue on Prevention and control of COVID-19
Published 17 February, 2020
The novel coronavirus-associated disease, now known as COVID-19, has infected tens of thousands of people and killed more than 1,000. The special topics of “Prevention and control of COVID-19” aim at controlling the spread of disease, and supporting community efforts to overcome the physical, emotional, economic impacts. The special topics emphasize on:
- Epidemic analysis, including epidemiological patterns and transmission trends forecasting based on modeling, spatial-temporal analysis, and social network analysis;
- Situation and resilience analysis to improve the capacity of community prevention and control based on surveillance and risk assessment, public opinion analysis, and urban resilience analysis;
- Early warning and emergency management based on first-hand case & data analysis, optimization analysis of responses, command & coordination, risk communication, and community engagement.
All accepted manuscripts will be published in open-access format. Article processing charges (APC) are waived. The maximum length of papers is 6,000 words. Online submission system is https://www.editorialmanager.com/JNLSSR/default.aspx?pg=mainpage.html (please indicate "Special topics of epidemic prevention and control").
If you have any questions, please contact editorial office by email tbrc@tsinghua.edu.cn.